Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Understanding SpO2 and Normal Oxygen Levels

Know the steps to take to identify and treat low SpO2 levels
by Jessica Hegg

What is SpO2?

SpO2, also known as oxygen saturation, is a measure of the amount of oxygen-carrying hemoglobin in the blood relative to the amount of hemoglobin not carrying oxygen. The body needs there to be a certain level of oxygen in the blood or it will not function as efficiently. In fact, very low levels of SpO2 can result in very serious symptoms. This condition is known as hypoxemia. There is a visible effect on the skin, known as cyanosis due to the blue (cyan) tint it takes on. Hypoxemia (low levels of oxygen in the blood) can turn into hypoxia (low levels of oxygen in the tissue). This progression and the difference between the two conditions is important to understand.

How the Body Maintains Normal SpO2 levels

It is vital to maintain normal oxygen saturation levels in order to prevent hypoxia. Thankfully, the body usually does this by itself. The most important way that the body maintains healthy SpO2 levels is through breathing. The lungs take oxygen that has been inhaled and binds it to hemoglobin that then travels throughout the body with the payload of oxygen. The oxygen needs of the body increase during times of high physiological stress (e.g., lifting weights or running) and at higher altitudes. The body is usually able to adapt to these increases, provided that they are not too extreme.

SpO2 level in the bloodstreamAn illustration of the bloodstream

Measuring SpO2

There are many ways that the blood can be tested to ensure it contains normal oxygen levels. The most common way is to use a pulse oximeter to measure the SpO2 levels in the blood. Pulse oximeters are relatively easy to use, and are common in health care facilities and at home. They are very accurate despite their low price point.

To use a pulse oximeter, simply place it on your finger. A percentage will be displayed on the screen. This percentage should be between 94 percent and 100 percent, which indicates a healthy level of hemoglobin carrying oxygen through the blood. If it is less than 90 percent, you should see a doctor.

How Pulse Oximeters Measure Oxygen in the Blood

Pulse oximeters have been in use for many years. However, they were mostly used by health care facilities until recently. Now that they have become relatively common in the home, many people are wondering how they work.

Pulse oximeters function by using light sensors to record how much blood is carrying oxygen and how much blood is not. Oxygen-saturated hemoglobin is darker to the naked eye than non-oxygen saturated hemoglobin, and this phenomenon allows the highly sensitive sensors of the pulse oximeter to detect minute variations in the blood and translate that into a reading.

Symptoms of Hypoxemia

There are several common symptoms of hypoxemia. The number and severity of these symptoms depend on how low the SpO2 levels are. Moderate hypoxemia results in fatigue, light-headedness, numbness and tingling of the extremities and nausea. Beyond this point, hypoxemia usually becomes hypoxia.

Symptoms of Hypoxia

A normal SpO2 level is vital to maintaining the health of all tissue in the body. As previously mentioned, hypoxemia is low oxygen saturation in the blood. Hypoxemia is directly related to hypoxia, which is low oxygen saturation in the body’s tissue. Hypoxemia often causes hypoxia, if the oxygen levels are quite low, and remain so. Cyanosis is a good indicator of hypoxemia becoming hypoxia. However, it is not perfectly reliable. For example, someone with a darker complexion will not present with obvious cyanosis. Cyanosis also often fails to increase in visibility as the hypoxia becomes more severe. Other symptoms of hypoxia, however, do become more severe. Severe hypoxia causes twitches, disorientation, hallucinations, pallor, irregular heartbeat and eventually death. Hypoxia often has a snowball effect, in that once the process is started, it speeds up and the condition rapidly becomes more severe. A good rule of thumb is to get help as soon as your skin starts taking on a blue tinge.

hand turning blue lack of oxygenCyanosis of the tissue in the hand

Saturday, June 6, 2020


Venue: Growing Embryo Nurses Mind Telegram Page.
Date: 6/6/2020
Time: 7:30pm Prompt (WAT)

Guest Speaker
Nrs Joshua. UkRN, NRN, RM,RPHN,BNSc,MSc. Trauma.

Anchored By:
Adurosakin Benedict Olorunwa
School of Nursing University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital.

Olanrewaju Femi AROWOSEGBE.
Obafemi Awolowo University, Nursing Department.

There is saying that goes.."When the desirable becomes unavailable, the available becomes desirable"

So today we will be interacting and reflecting on our practice as nurses...

And we will be considering and interacting on a very crucial topic for our time, the covid times, captioned " The Hope of Nursing in this Robotic Generation"

So let me briefly outline the objectives:

1. Brief historical background on the new age nursing

2. The place of robotics in healthcare

3. Relationship between robotics and nursing care

4. Hope of nursing in the new age of robotics

I hope that at the end of this interaction we would each reflect on our practice and see how our actions can make or mar our profession. Hence, make the necessary adjustment required.


Nursing as we know it today have being in practice from time memorial..

But it became formal with Florence Nightingale

This is very important because it is your definition of nursing that forms the basis of your personal philosophy of nursing care which guides your action..you need to have it written out in a place where you will always see it.



RN in the US,
before it became what it is today was in a study conducted by group of health care policy makers which showed that nurses had little impact on the outcome of patients, this finding meant that nurses would have more workloads and less per...

Let's take note of this...we will see later how this perception was changed...

In the Uk

Today, nurses are and remain the largest workforce in the health care sector and still the least paid. Why is this, could it be marginalization, discrimination, or gender bias in political hierarchy?

Background in Nigeria

Nurses in Nigeria are the largest labour force in healthcare, the least influential, least paid and undermined ...
Some studies attributes it to culture, some religion, and some studies to lack of scientific evidence relating patient outcome to direct nursing intervention
All this are issues which has gripped nurses all around the world but some countries appears to be doing better than others not because of how developed but because they have been able to demonstrate the impact of nursing intervention on outcome of patients.

Many people want to practice in the UK, US, among others but we haven't found out how and why nursing seem to be better than back home..
It was through research
In the US, nurses had to carry out series of studies to demonstrate the impact to nursing care.

These studies has lead to the development of NANDA, NOC and so on which are used to standardize nursing practice and make it uniform around the world.
Using this criteria the amount of care delivered could be calculated.

These studies where used to demonstrate nursing impact

But we have literatures for Nigeria.
The seemingly lack of literatures and research in this area among Nigerian and Africa nurses has also contributed to the predicament of the profession.
The earliest article I could find was 1999, and most recent studies are not objective enjoy to describe nursing impact on outcome.


Sorry am using alot of literatures

But I want us to get use to scientific study and learning how to use it.

How bad can this be?

Is this threat a valid one?

Are we blind to the current changes in the health care sector...?

Will nurses be taken by surprise?

Will our lack of preparedness make us yet another prey for changing times?

This also applies to many other African and low income countries.

This is a challenge but not an impossible task. However, the nursing profession is currently facing another threat which is the development of using AI AND ROBOTICS in healthcare.

Let's have a look at some images

This was developed and tested in Rwanda. To deliver medications and care to covid 19 patients.
AI and Robotics researchers are currently conducting research to demonstrate that robots can perform nursing task effectively, and AI can answer possibly questions which a patient can ask...
" And if scientist can demonstrate it effectiveness, nurses may have to fight for jobs with robots...the future sounds gloomy... "

Does it mean we nurses are powerless and have nothing to contribute?
A time is coming that we nurses will have nothing to do...
The future is double aged sword...our actions today determine the outcome for tomorrow
Hence this discussion

What can we do to turn the future in our favour?

That brings me to my opening remark...
"When the desirable becomes unavailable, the available becomes desirable" Anonymous
"The future of Nursing in this robotics generation" is in our hands.

We can shape it or destroy it by the approach we employ in our nursing practice.

I will use few stories to demonstrate the relationship between nursing practice and robotics

This will give us a clear understanding

Story 1

Nurse Lily comes in the morning, greet her patients, move straight to begin medication rounds, perform other task just as outlined and goes home without significant interaction with patients..

What type of nursing Care model is this? (This is called tasked oriented model of nursing)

Rish(Robot) in the morning is programmed to greet and administer medication, give injection and provide digital documentation of all task performed.

What model of nursing care is this?
(Remember it is also performing a task that it has being programmed to do.)

Story 2.

Nurse Lola, comes in the morning after taking over goes round to check on each patient and inquire of their welfare, performs a quick assessment of patients need and plan activities for the centered around unique patients needs, gives medication and monitor for effectiveness, complicate evidence based documentation through appropriate feedback from the patient.
This is (Functional/primary care model of nursing)

What is the difference between two nurses and Robot Rish?

From the stories above, we see how nurses can either act as a robot, or be the nurse they are trained to be...

Lily was just all about performing her ask which is Sam like the robot, what it does is to perform task ...

Lola, brought in the human interaction, tender loving care, individualized or patient centered care which makes nursing unique in itself.

Man is a social being and nurses bring in that component of care which may be lacking in all other aspect...
Let's consider the role of robots in healthcare especially in this covid times.

Like the one developed in Rwanda...it was used to administer drugs to those in isolation center minimizing risk of expose to care staff.

Some have bin trained to perform complicated surgeries.

And has freed up staff to focus on other areas....

So Young Nurses, Raise up and make impact through your research work.
Thank you.

For more enquiries, contact us at : growingembrynursesmind@gmail.com.
Text/WhatsApp chat: +2347065236277.

Friday, May 15, 2020

If You Drop Your License, can You still Survive? By Adenike Olakunle

Topic: If You Drop Your License, Can You Still Survive?

Venue: Growing Embryo Nurses Mind Forum. (GENM)

Guest Speaker: Adenike Olakunle ( The Sent Nurse)

Anchored By: STN Ojo Justinah

Convener: Olanrewaju Femi AROWOSEGBE (The Spirit Nurse) 

Good Day Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm Nurse Adenike Olakunle, aka The Sent Nurse.

My goal today is to open your mind to countless of opportunities that lies ahead of you beyond the beside and I hope that you would launch out with full force to make the sky your beginning.

You are on your way to become a Registered Nurse; I congratulate you for making this decision because it is one of the decisions that I have not regretted making in my life. No matter your reason, I believe that it is not a waste.

All over the world, Nursing and nurses are always in high demand because no hospital can run without them. Hence, you will always get a job as a Nurse!
However, you might get the one that will pay you less than you desire or not enough to cater for your needs, the one that will ridicule you or throw you into an uncertain situation

Shocker: Nursing is not the Highest Paying Job.

During this pandemic, a lot of Nurses have lost their jobs (even as a hot puff-puff that they are) just because they refused to work without adequate protection, they refused to be lodged at their places of work and demanded that their employers should provide a means of transport. Others are now receiving half salary because their facility is not having a high influx of patients, some are still not certain about what will happen if this situation continues

Even in the USA, UK, Canada, Nurses have lost their jobs (it is not a Nigeria problem only)

Imagine that you are in one of the situations mentioned above what would you do?
If I was in any of the situations, I would resign with immediate effect! Yes! Do you know why I would be able to do that?
So tell me, if you are one of the Nurses in any of these situations, what would you do?
I told you, I would resign, here is the reason.....

Because, I have something else that I can fall back on which I will be sharing with you if you stay tuned

Apart from the pandemic, a lot of nurses are broke, unfulfilled and sad due to the low wages, lack of professional regulation, and support, ill-treatments from patients and members of the healthcare team, quackery and so on.
I dropped my license as a Registered Nurse when I was in Nigeria for 4 years because I couldn’t tolerate the depth of quackery and malpractices going on in most private hospitals in Nigeria (after working in 3 private hospitals) and I made up my mind to stop practicing at the bedside until I get out of the country.
So, what happened after I dropped my license?

I went into the corporate world as a client service executive, I became an Emotional intelligence coach and trainer, I became a life coach, health coach, a beautypreneur (selling cosmetics), a YouTube content creator, blogger, a thought leader and speaker.

How was I able to do so many things, making money and making impacts without my nursing license?
I invested in my personal development and began my journey to having multiple streams of income!!!

you may be wondering How do I get started on my personal development and multiple streams of income beyond nursing?

1. Self-awareness: Get to know yourself (in terms of who you are, what are you capable of doing, I mean, know your strengths, what problem do you have strong passion to solve?
You can get a free tool to help you discover your hidden strengths from me ( you have to follow me on IG: www.instagram.com/thesentnurse and send me a DM.

2. Gain Clarity: What problem are you going to solve, will you be able to fulfil purpose/make impacts as much as making money? Who will your service/products be serving? How will you reach them? Will they be willing to pay you? How will you get started? Who are the people already in this industry that can put you on the path?

3. You will need strong determination/focus: To fully go into what you want with a strong believe that you can do it, that you will learn whatever it takes to do it, and you will persist in the face of adversity.. because the truth is, there is no perfect situation/job/career we need FOCUS to persist.

4. Invest in your personal development: While working at the places I didn’t like, I made up my mind to leave bedside so I started making plans, I went online to search for the things I could do, when I discovered, I saw that I would have to do several certifications so I started saving up my little salary to pay for my certifications and I am glad I did. I read books, I attend webinars like this, and several online courses and I have not stopped doing this.

5. Get a business coach/mentor: They will open your mind to limitless opportunities either by giving you advises or by asking your thought provoking questions (I can also help with that)

6. Leverage on the power of social media and the technology: This is no longer a news, people are cashing out through social media, you can too. I currently run my businesses online, you can too.

What are the benefits of having multiple streams of income or a side hustle?
  • It is your own, running at your pace.
  • Ability to learn new things.
  • Offers constant self-awareness and personal development.
  • Gives you a sense of purpose.
  • Opens door of new opportunities.
  • Peace of mind (no employer is threatening you).
  • Improves your confidence level.
  • Ability to achieve work-life balance.
  • Of course, more money in your account
So, what are the obstacles to having a side hustle?

What are the barriers Having multiple streams of income /starting a side hustle?

The barriers to having a side hustle have disappeared thanks mostly to mobile digital technologies.
I don’t believe that anything can stop me or should stop anyone from starting a side hustle, I basically see them as excuses. Here are some of those excuses I have heard from clients I have helped in the past:

• I don’t have money or support to start
• Self-doubt, what if it doesn’t work/fear of failure
• Lack of ideas on what to do and how to start
• I don’t know how to sell

How can you deal with these seeming barriers?

• Service based hustles/businesses need little or no money to get started. However, if you want to do a buying and selling business you can do either of these:

1). Know how much you need to start, give yourself a time frame to save towards it or get people to invest in your business.

2). Make enquiries if you can start by helping someone to sell while you take the profits then save the profits.

3). Ask if you can get the items on credit and pay when you make sales.

• For fear of failure or what if it doesn’t work: The best way to overcome fear is to get adequate knowledge and making plans! Are their people who are already doing something like this and they are successful? How are they doing it? And you need to imagine, what if it works? What if I blow doing this

• To overcome lack of ideas, You can use my tool on discovering your hidden strengths, get coached/mentored to dive deeper, look through your environment, what is missing, what service are the people in your community needing but its not available or not many people are into it. When I was in school, I saw that we usually go on a long journey to buy recharge cards, I didn’t like it, it was too stressful, so I started selling it, guess what? I became popular, made so much money and became friends with many people (senior and juniors included)… of course, this is not a good business again because you can buy recharge cards at the tips of your fingers by using your bank’s USSD. But there are still many opportunities and you don’t have to do something new

• To overcome the “I don’t know how to sell” excuse: It is a limiting belief and you will need to either attend a course, work with a coach or a mentor to break it because it is only an excuse, no one was born to sell stuff, we all learn it. If some people are doing it, everyone else can do it if they are willing to learn.

What are some of the side hustles/business that you can start without your Nursing license:

The list is endless, they are things you already know but I will still share with you:
• Sell medical equipments
• Become a BLS/ACLS instructor
• Become a Nurse coach/mentor
• Blogging/YouTube content creation: teaching people how to do something or basically sharing your knowledge on any platform (WordPress and YouTube are my go to).
This needs consistency to eventually bring money.. You will make money when your blog has many viewers/readers, you can make money from brands adverts or from YouTube itself.
• Become an affiliate marketer: You will work with brands, they will give you commission based on how many sales you bring
• Become a social media brand influencer: this takes a long term to work, you will need to build an audience by giving out valuable information on your platforms
• Become a Health Coach (a shocker, even non-medical persons are doing health coaching business), so you don’t need to show your license
• Life Coaching
• Create digital products (on how to do anything that you really know how to do)
• Become a virtual assistant
• Hair styling/hair dresser (I remember paying #50,000 for a hair stylist during my wedding)… This is not about gender anymore (my favorite hair stylist is a man0
• Make up artistry: it is no longer news, your pay is dependent on how good and flawless your works are

The list is endless, you can get a tailored business that is right for you in a one on one session with me (send a DM on Instagram)

In conclusion, the majority of self-made millionaires have a similar approach to earning money, making impacts and finding fulfilment. They generated their income from many baskets!
Having multiple income streams makes a lot of sense. When one stream is negatively affected by systematic economic downturns, of which you have no control, or ill treatment from employers, uncertainties and lack of work-life balance, the other streams can come to the rescue and help you survive the downturn, without seeing your lifestyle dramatically affected.
Remember, entrepreneurship is a different ball game entirely and it will require continuous personal development.
Thank you.

For more details write me on : growingembryonursesmind@gmail.com
WhatsApp Chat or SMS on :+2347065236277.

Guest Speaker:

Nurse Adenike Olakunle.
aka The Sent Nurse
From United Kingdom.

 You can follow the Guest Speaker on social media
IG: www.instagram.com/thesentnurse
Twitter: www.twitter.com/thesentnurse
Youtube: https://bit.ly/AdenikeOlakunle
Website: https://thesenturse.com
Email: adenikeolakunle@thesentnurse.com for further questions

Anchored By:

STN Ojo justnah.
University of illorin teaching hospital, school of nursing.


Olanrewaju Femi AROWOSEGBE.
aka The Spirit Nurse.
Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Diary of Nursing Specialties. Compiled to Celebrate 2020 International Nurses Week

Growing Embryo Nurses Mind
( Forum where young Nurses are Growing and developing their minds to make Impact Wherever they get to)

The unique function of a nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well in the performance of those activities contributing to health, or its recovery or peaceful death, that he will perform unaided if he had the necessaryy strength, will or knowledge, and to do this in a way to help him gain his independence as rapidly as possible.
"Virginia Henderson."

We are appreciating all our nurses for their selfless sacrifices to the world as we celebrate this year's International Nurses Week.

This Diary was made to enlighten everyone about some areas of specialty in Nursing and what they do.

We won't but appreciate our dear professional colleagues for giving us permission to make use of their pictures for this Diary.

Once Again, we say, Happy International Nurses week.

Great Nurses,
Hands that care.

At the End of this Diary, I will love if you can drop your Comments and View on this Initiative.

Cardiothoracic Nursing
A Cardiothoracic Nurse is a Registered Nurse that works with patients who suffer from various conditions of the cardiovascular system.

Olatiloye B. (RN, RCTN).

Anesthetist Nursing
A Nurse Anesthetist is an advanced practice nurse who administers anesthesia for surgery or other medical procedures.
Arifayan B. (RN, RNA)

Mental Health Nursing
Mental Health Nurse Practitioners provide assessment, diagnoses, and treatment to individuals or families with psychiatric disorders while also identifying risk factors for such
Onipede S. (RN, RPN).

Public Health Nursing
Public health nurses integrate community involvement and knowledge about the entire population with personal, clinical understandings of the health and illness experiences of individuals and families within the population.

Salau .O ( RN, PHN)

Pediatric Nursing
Pediatric nursing is a specialization of the nursing profession that focuses on pediatrics and the medical care of children, from infancy to the teenage years.

Ajayi M. (RN, RPDN).

Independent Practice Nursing
Independent practice nurse is defined as "a registered nurse who provides professional nursing services, as a proprietor of a business, through direct patient care, education, research, administration or consultation" 

Julie Mogbo (RN, IPN)

Critical Care Nursing
Intensive care unit (ICU) staff RNs provide care for patients with life-threatening medical conditions.

Popoola (RN, ICUN)

Accident &/Emergency Nursing
Emergency Nurse Practitioner (ENP) is a specialist nurse who independently assess, diagnose, investigate, and treat a wide range of common accidents and injuries.

Ayodele K. (RN, ERN) 

Nurse Academician
Nurse educators typically work in academic settings at nursing schools, community colleges. Some also work in health care settings as staff development officers or clinical supervisors.

Oke (RN, RNT)

Renal Nursing
Nephrology nurses play an important part in assessing, diagnosing, educating, and treating patients who have developed or are at risk of developing kidney related problems.

Oluwanisola. K (RN, RNN)

Orthopaedic Nursing
Orthopaedic nursing (or orthopedic nursing) is a nursing specialty focused on the prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders.

Agboola .S .E (RN, RON)

Occupational Nursing
Occupational health nursing is a specialty nursing practice that provides for and delivers health and safety Programs and services to workers, worker populations, and community groups.

Okaahialam . J (RN,OHN)

Burns and Plastic Nursing 
The burns care and plastic nurse treats and monitors burn wounds, and plays a critical role in the care of patients who undergo cosmetic and reconstructive surgical procedures.

Adewumi. K (RN, BPN)

A midwife is a health professional trained to support and care for women during pregnancy, labour, and post partum period.

Ogundipe .T.M (RN, RM)

Perioperative Nursing
A perioperative nurse is a registered nurse (R.N.) who works in the operating room. Sometimes called a surgical or an operating room nurse, this specialized nurse cares for patients before, during, and after surgery.

Ajayi A (RN, PON)

Otorhinolaryngology Nursing
An otorhinolaryngology nurse - also known as an ear, nose and throat nurse - cares for patients with diseases or injuries of the ear, nose, throat, head or neck.

Basil N (RN, ENTN)

Opthalmic Nursing
An ophthalmic nurse cares for patients with disorders and disease relating to the eyes.

Nwaokoro G. (RN, CRON )

NB: There are still more Specialties , but these are the ones we were able to lay our hands on.
We Believe with these few listed ones, you can gain basic knowledge of those Specialties in Nursing Profession.
To join this Celebration Mood, Get in touche with us on:
Contact: +2347065236277 ( WhatsApp)
Email: growingembryonursesmind.com

Compiled by;

Olanrewaju Femi AROWOSEGBE (RN)

Oluwatosin AKOMOLEDE.(RN)

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Natural-born painkiller found in human saliva

Natural-born painkiller found in human saliva

Saliva from humans has yielded a natural painkiller up to six times more powerful than morphine, researchers say.

The substance, dubbed opiorphin, may spawn a new generation of natural painkillers that relieve pain as well as morphine but without the addictive and psychological side effects of the traditional drug.

When the researchers injected a pain-inducing chemical into rats’ paws, 1 milligram of opiorphin per kilogram of body weight achieved the same painkilling effect as 3 milligrams of morphine.

The substance was so successful at blocking pain that, in a test involving a platform of upended pins, the rats needed six times as much morphine as opiorphin to render them oblivious to the pain of standing on the needle points.

Anti-depressive angle
“Its pain-suppressive effect is like that of morphine,” says Catherine Rougeot at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, France, who led the research. “But we have to test its side effects as it is not a pure painkiller,” she says. “It may also be an anti-depressive molecule.”

Rougeot and colleagues discovered that opiorphin works in nerve cells of the spine by stopping the usual destruction of natural pain-killing opiates there, called enkephalins.

Opiorphin is such a simple molecule that it should be possible to synthesise it and produce large quantities without having to isolate it from saliva, Rougeot explains. Alternatively, it might be possible to find drugs which trigger patients’ bodies to produce more of the molecule themselves.

Journal reference: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (vol 103, p 17979)

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

TEARS OF JOY To the WORLD as RESEARCHERS finally find relief over CORONAVIRUS epidemic

Over 38 companies and academic institutions are racing to create a vaccine for the coronavirus. At least four have candidates they have been testing on animals. The first produced by Boston-based biotech firm Modern.

What types of drugs might work?

1.Antiviral drugs that directly affect the. coronavirus' ability to thrive inside the body.

2. Drugs that can calm the immune system - patients become seriously I'll when their immune system overreacts and starts causing collateral damage to the body.

3. Antibodies either from survivors' blood or made in the lab that can attack the virus

Other countries that have made breakthrough in the vaccines are India, China (which started the epidemic), Glaxo Smith Kline in the UK, Johnson and Johnson in the US.

Australia's national government science agency will test two vaccine candidates over the next three months. It is part of the global race to make sure they stop the epidemic that has put a halt to the world. Crippling the world at large with no means to adequately fight.

Maryland based Novamax, has now repurposed vaccines for SARS-COV-2(A vaccine recently created) and has proved to start working. They have candidates ready for try outs this spring.